Surrey Environmental Consulting, LLC services cover a wide range of industries for various client sectors.  A few examples of our work are presented below:

MVC-024SAir Permitting, Compliance Assistance, and Combustion Adjustment Reporting, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility, NJ & NC – Provided full-service air quality assistance for over 22 years.  Services provided include but were not limited to:  updating existing and development of new air permit applications; estimation of air emissions for various processes; preparation of more than 150 permit applications; development of air compliance and permitting strategies; negotiations with the agency permitting and enforcement divisions, and development of annual combustion adjustment reports for the facility’s boilers.

Full Service Air Quality Assistance, Wastewater Treatment Facility, NJ – Provided full service air quality assistance to an 85 MGD wastewater treatment plant for nearly 10 years.  Services provided include but were not limited to:facility-wide air emissions audit; regulatory compliance support, agency negotiations; revisions to existing and development of new minor sourceair permit applications; development of strategies to address air regulatory requirements;air emissions sampling protocol development and support; management and oversight of stack testing and continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) certification; and assistance with Title V permitting, negotiation of permit conditionsfor long term operating flexibility (resulted in a reduction of monitoring requirements saving significant cost and manpower), compliance, and reporting.In addition, provides assistance with troubleshooting air emission issues with the facility’s sludge dryers and CEMS, including startup, CEMS regulatory training; air permitting and management of heating and ventilation system design for gravity belt thickeners (design eliminated the need for add-on control technology); and conducted a NSR netting analysis for proposed  on-site cogeneration facility.

Title V Modification for Sludge Improvements, Wastewater Treatment Facility, NJ – Development of a Title V minor modification air permit application package to allow improvements to the facility’s thickening and dewatering facilities.  The package included a detailed process description, diagrams, appropriate NJDEP RADIUStour_gravity_thick_2 forms, air emission estimates (based on available emission factors and vendor guarantees).  Effort included permit negotiations with the NJDEP in order to provide the facility with maximum operating flexibility.  Permit conditions obtained contained monitoring and recordkeeping requirements that were not burdensome to the client and easily fit with the facility’s operations.

Air Permitting for Modular Cogeneration Units, Multisite, NJ – Developed air permit applications and negotiated final air permit conditions for an independent modular cogeneration corporation for numerous modular units located throughout New Jersey.  Data obtained from emission testing and fuel usage was utilized to develop air emission estimates.

Air Permitting and Air Emission Estimation, Bulk Petroleum Terminal, NY – Developed a State Facility Permit application to obtain approval for the storage and distribution of a new petroleum product, naphtha.  Facility-wide air emission estimates were calculated for the purposes of the permit submittal and to confirm the minor source status of the facility.  Emissions were developed for the following sources:  storage tanks, combustion sources, loading racks and fittings.  An Environmental Justice Analysis and sampling protocol for benzene was also developed.

Permit Applicability Evaluation, Bulk Petroleum Storage, PA – Managed a permit applicability evaluation to determine if reduced facility operations trigger the necessity to maintain an air permit.  As part of this effort a site air quality audit was conducted and air emission estimates generated.  A Request for Determination (RFD) was complete and submitted along with appropriate backup documentation to the Allegheny Health Department to document and obtain official determination that an air permit is not required for the current facility operations.

Air permitting, regulatory assistance, and landfill gas monitoring for several landfill sites, NJ, NY, CT, PA, AZ and VA – Provided regulatory support with respect to federal and state air quality regulations for various expansion and redevelopment landfill projects.  Assistance was provided at hearings and public meetings related to the projects.  Title V permit applications or modification packages were developed for the sites in an effort to obtain approval for the projects.  Effort included development of air emission estimates utilizing the USEPA’sLandGEM emission model and negotiations of permit conditions.  Negotiations Picture2for two sites in NJ resulted in a reduced amount of compounds needed to be tested quarterly which resulted in a significant cost savings.  Also developed and obtained approval from respective regulatory agencies of landfill gas sampling protocols and managed the sampling and reporting efforts.

Development of annual air emission statements for several NJ facilities – Developed the annual air emission statement utilizing the RADIUS program for a NJ based cosmetic manufacturer for over 5 year, two wastewater treatment facilities, and a chemical manufacturer.  As part of the effort for the cosmetic manufacturer the facility’s process data management was evaluated in an effort to improve the efficiency of obtaining production information for emission statement purposes.  Spreadsheets were developed to appropriately manipulating data in order to reduce effort and capital required to prepare the facility’s annual air emissions statement.  Once the data collection methodology and spreadsheets were finalized, a training course was developed and presented in order to educate the corporate, legal, and facility staff on revised data collection methods.

Control Technology Evaluation, Ethanol Production, PA – Developed a control technology analysis report to select and justify air pollution control technologies in accordance with Prevention of Deterioration (PSD), New Source Review (NSR), and Best Available Technology (BAT) requirements for a 90-million gallon/year ethanol production plant which also included a 25 MW cogeneration and 220,000 ton/year carbon dioxide plant.

Air Permitting, Stack Test Management & Oversight, Remediation Site, NJ -Development of an air permit application package for a soil remediation effort using a rotary kiln.  Emission estimates were developed using soil data and control devices were selected based on a health risk analysis.  Review of the proposed stack testing protocol and oversight of the stack test was provided.